
Released on 02 Jun 2023       11m 21s + 135 Hi Res Images       1 GB

AGENT HARLEY STRIKES AGAIN!  When the new release of the most violent video game on the planet lands on her doorstep she soon finds out this is no coincidence. Once Harley is subsumed into this simulator of violence it all becomes too real so she unleashes a world of pain a host of enemy combatants!  This world champion kickboxer turned secret agent unleashes total violence with her deadly kicks, lethal fists and uncompromising martial arts dexterity. This female force of nature defeats every opponent that comes her way, with total ease and utter arrogance... this is no simulation, this is the real thing and she steps up her brutal onslaught with her gymnastic, acrobatic, high kicking, karate chopping, hyper agile, power-punching power before the twist in the tale is finally revealed. This is incredible high octane Harley action and she hasn't got time to take prisoners when she's a one woman death squad.   BONUS:  FREE 135 IMAGE PHOTOSET!!