
Released on 07 Apr 2023       14m 47s / 119 image Photoset       785mb

KIX, THE CATSUIT AND AN ARMY OF NINJAS!  When word on the street is out that Kix has gone soft there's a whole host of Ninjas who want payback for all of their criminal activities she's thwarted... and for constantly kicking their asses of course. Rookie mistake, Ninjas shouldn't believe everything they read on Twitter!  When Kix easily dispatches her first two Ninjas with some killer martial arts and smart ass put downs a load of other Ninjas pile in. They never learn! Dressed in her trademark red catsuit, boots and red leather gloves Kix launches her arsenal of high kicks, spin kicks, punches, karate chops, high knees and godlike agility to beat the living daylights out of them all. And yet they still come!  More Ninjas try their luck but this is Kix we're talking about and she rips them apart with casual ease with a dazzling display of brutal kickboxing and blackbelt karate.  With a load of beatdowns under her belt Kix goes in search of the master villain who puts them up to this... but she doesn't have to look very far. BONUS:  FREE PHOTOSET INCLUDED!!